The Lord has been so merciful to us. We have been blessed with visitors, help from loved ones, and have had the pleasure of making visits to family, and friends since our return to the states.
My father, John, and step-mother, Frances, traveled to Kentucky with us from Florida. They showed us to our new home and helped us get set up and settled in. We are so very grateful to them for all the love, help, and care they have shown us. After we made it to Kentucky, they stayed with us for about a week. It was a wonderful visit! They also were able to return for nearly a week in January and, Lord willing, will be back again in April. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of my step-mother since she was doing most of the picture taking when she was with us, but below is a picture of my father and little John.
Dane's dad came a couple of days after we arrived with a load of things we had left behind in Texas and some donated items from family there. It was great to see him; although, our visit with him was way too short. We hope he can come again soon and spend a little more time!
Chris Jones, my step-mother's son-in-law, surprised us that first week with a load of things that he brought to us from Michigan. We enjoyed meeting him and were so blessed by his kindness! We have put everything that he brought to use and are are anxious to learn to use the loom that his mother, Molly, sent along too.
The children were absolutely thrilled to see their Meme (Sue), Dane's mother, and Pawne (Leonard), Dane's step-father, who came to visit within a week of our arrival. They brought with them a car load of things from Texas and some beautiful clothes that Sue had sewn for the children. Sue and Leonard were a great help to us during their visit. Leonard helped with various projects around the house and Sue sewed, unpacked and helped with the children. We enjoyed them tremendously and look forward to our next visit with them.
We had planned to attend a wedding in Tennessee the first week in November, but when vehicle problems prevented our going, our friends that we had hoped to see came to our house to see us!!!! It was great fun to have an unexpected two day visit by four families of friends. Some of them we had met in person previously and some of them we only had known by way of telephone conversations. Our guests included Daniel and Suzanne New and two of their grandchildren, Ralph Reed and his daughter, Esther Reed, and Alan and Tammy Cooper and their five children, and Micah and Lisa Kendall and their two children. What a splendid time we had!

In late November, our family traveled to Pennsylvania to visit our dear friend Pamela. We had a nice visit and got to see the roof that her husband, Jim, had designed prior to his passing finally coming together. Pamela's father-in-law, Jim Sr, and a crew were making great progress on it. Since our visit there, we have been trying to persuade Pamela to come down to Kentucky to see us!
While we were in Pennsylvania we got to meet and stay with the Piper family (Caleb, Tina, Jaidan, Alicia, Isaac, Janelle, and Micah) for a few days. They were very gracious to us and we enjoyed our visit with them tremendously! We look forward to visiting them again soon, as the Lord wills.
We traveled to Missouri to visit our friends, the Coopers, in December. We had a great three days of fellowship with them. While there, we had the pleasure of meeting their friends, the Montgomerys, too.
From Missouri, we headed to Texas to visit my step-father, Paul, or Pop, as we like to call him. We were all so happy to see and spend time with him. The Lord really knew we needed a Pop because he has been such an integral part of our family and we are very thankful for him. We had a great time visiting with him and camping out in his living room. He blessed us tremendously by letting us bring home one of his tractors to use on our farm in Kentucky. He even bought and fixed up a used trailer for us to haul it home. We can't wait to have him as a guest at our home in Kentucky.
Our time in Lubbock was very short, but we did get to visit other family and friends there: Dane's dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, my mother and sister, and the folks at Brown-McKee.
As I mentioned before, my father and step-mother returned in January for five days and then my mother came for a nice ten day visit shortly thereafter.
As you can see, our time has been full and we feel that our awesome Lord has blessed us beyond measure.
****I am sorry to say that I did not get pictures of all of our loved ones while they were here or us there. I will try to do better about the picture taking in the future!